{# @var \Contao\CoreBundle\Image\Studio\Figure figure #}
Studio Macros
This collection of Twig macros is intended to help you render figure/image
markup directly from a Studio\Figure. You can use these macros as building
blocks for your own figure template or to render the whole thing and pass
some options.
By setting options, the default output can be altered. There are two places
where this can be done:
1) By constructing a Studio\Figure object with $options
2) By passing the $options argument to the macros
If the same keys are defined in both 1) and 2), the template options
will have precedence.
Currently, options allow you to extend/overwrite HTML attributes for all
tags that are output. Attributes defined under the 'attr' key will be
placed inside the tag while those defined under the '%tag%_attr'
key will end up inside the <%tag%> tag.
{{ _self.figure(figure, {
attr: { data-foo: 'a' },
figcaption_attr: { class: 'bar' }
} }}
: ...
: ...
Build a including a picture and - if available - a caption from
Studio\Figure data.
If a link is defined the picture will be wrapped in an tag.
{%- macro figure(figure, options = {}, addSchemaOrg = true) -%}
{%- set figure_attributes = figure.options.attr|default({})|merge(options.attr|default({})) %}
{%- set link_attributes = figure.options.link_attr|default({})|merge(options.link_attr|default({})) ~%}
{% if figure.linkHref -%}
{%- set base_attributes = {
'href': figure.linkHref,
'title': figure.hasLightbox and figure.hasMetadata ? figure.metadata.title : null,
}|merge(figure.linkAttributes) -%}
{{~ _self.picture(figure, options) }}
{%- else %}
{{- _self.picture(figure, options) -}}
{% endif %}
{{ _self.caption(figure, options) }}
{% if addSchemaOrg %}
{%- do add_schema_org(figure.schemaOrgData) -%}
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
Build a from Studio\Figure data.
This falls back to only creating a single if no sources are present.
{% macro picture(figure, options = {}) %}
{%- set picture_attributes = figure.options.picture_attr|default({})|merge(options.picture_attr|default({})) %}
{%- set source_attributes = figure.options.source_attr|default({})|merge(options.source_attr|default({})) %}
{%- if figure.image.sources -%}
{% for source in figure.image.sources %}
{%- set defineProportions = source.width|default(false) and source.height|default(false) -%}
{%- set base_attributes = {
'srcset': source.srcset,
'sizes': source.sizes|default(null),
'media': source.media|default(null),
'type': source.type|default(null),
'width': defineProportions ? source.width : null,
'height': defineProportions ? source.height : null,
} -%}
{%- endfor %}
{{ _self.img(figure, options) }}
{%- else %}
{{ _self.img(figure, options) }}
{%- endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Build an from Studio\Figure data.
{%- macro img(figure, options = {}) -%}
{% apply spaceless %}
{% set img_attributes = figure.options.img_attr|default({})|merge(options.img_attr|default({})) %}
{% set img = figure.image.img %}
{% set defineProportions = img.width|default(false) and img.height|default(false) %}
{% set base_attributes = {
'src': img.src,
'alt': figure.hasMetadata ? figure.metadata.alt : '',
'title': figure.hasMetadata ? (figure.metadata.title ?: null) : null,
'srcset': img.srcset is defined and img.srcset != img.src ? img.srcset : null,
'sizes': img.sizes|default(null),
'width': defineProportions ? img.width : null,
'height': defineProportions ? img.height : null,
'loading': img.loading|default(null),
'class': img.class|default(null),
} %}
{% endapply %}
{%- endmacro -%}
Build a from Studio\Figure data.
If no metadata is present, nothing will be output.
{%- macro caption(figure, options = {}) -%}
{% apply spaceless %}
{% if figure.hasMetadata and figure.metadata.caption %}
{% set caption_attributes = figure.options.caption_attr|default({})|merge(options.caption_attr|default({})) %}
{{- figure.metadata.caption|raw -}}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}
{%- endmacro -%}
Helper: Expand an associative mapping into HTML attributes.
- Values that are null won't be included
- The output will contain a leading space
{ 'foo': 'a', 'bar': 'b', 'foobar': null } --> ' foo="a" bar="b"'
{%- macro html_attributes(attributes) -%}
{%- for attr, value in attributes|filter(v => v is not null) -%}
{{ ' ' ~ attr }}{% if value %}="{{ value }}"{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}